
PT Seniors

Feel Better. Move Better. Live Better.

Senior Therapy

We care for our older physical therapy patients with specialized treatment and therapies, whether they are managing a long-term illness or just want to improve their general health and mobility. Our staff are trained to work with seniors and understand how chronic conditions and medications can affect aging bodies. We help our senior patients build strength, practice functional tasks and increase mobility leading to a more satisfying life. We believe it’s never too late to make gains!


Neurological physical therapy treats injuries and conditions involving the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves...


Strength and Balance problems can make a person fearful to perform simple activities and leave them frustrated and depressed...


Osteoporosis is a condition of weakening or “brittle” bones that can occur due to hormonal changes, medication, poor nutrition or vitamin deficiencies...


It is common for seniors to experience urinary and fecal incontinence. Our physical therapy staff utilizes specialized manual therapy techniques, stretching...


Our low back pain program is based on gentle, hands-on treatment to relieve pain, stabilize the muscles in the lower back and improve flexibility and range of motion...


Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis that occurs when the cushion between the joints break down leading to pain, stiffness and swelling...


Total joint replacements are on the rise. Rehab Concepts physical therapists have extensive experience treating total joint replacements...


Seniors are a high-risk population for fractures. Older individuals have many medical problems such osteoporosis, diabetes and neurological problems...


Approximately one-third of people over the age of 65, and over half of people over 80, will experience a fall at least once a year...
