Pediatric Physical Therapy
We offer a comprehensive pediatric physical therapy program, featuring therapists who are specifically trained to work with children with physical or developmental challenges. We work with patients and their families in dedicated, colorful treatment areas featuring interactive equipment, smaller treatment tables, toys, and games. Our therapists work with children from birth to 21, and focus on their movement, posture, physical function and fitness. Whether your child has physical challenges, a developmental delay, or is recovering from an injury, we can help.

Physical Therapy can be very beneficial for children as they go through the various stages of Development...

Our therapists work with parents to guide them in proper handling techniques, positioning for optimal motor performance...

Strength and Balance problems can make a child fearful of performing daily activities, as well as play and sports activities...
Strength & Balance videos
Single-Leg Ball Toss
Tight Rope Walking
World's Tallest Child
Crab Walking
Single-Leg Balance Reaching
Lunge Walking